Sunday, April 28, 2013


I picked up MIND MGMT #10 this week. Let me just say, if you are even slightly, remotely, sortakinda interested in comics, read this book. Read it now. Not later. In fact, stop reading this, and go order the hardback that collects the first story arc. And then come back here.

I'll leave the reviewing up to the reviewers, who have already said more than I could eloquently say about this book. I'll just say that MIND MGMT is consistently packed with high quality story telling and fantastic art. And Matt Kindt does everything...writing, art, the whole deal. It's really great, and it's the book that I'm most excited to pick up each month.

I also had the opportunity to meet Matt Kindt at Planet City Comicon in Kansas City and get a few issues signed, which was a treat. He was great to meet, and I'm really looking forward to the full 36 issue run of MIND MGMT.


Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hello everybody, and welcome to my new blog.

I'm trying my hand at comic script writing. It's been an interesting process so far, and my plan for this blog is to use it as a way to post my thoughts about the things that I'm writing, folks that I'm collaborating with, as well as my thoughts about other comics out there and the industry more generally.

Right now I've got a few ideas that I've been working on - one is a slightly darker spin on the power of teleportation, and I'm also working on a modern adaptation of an opera plot that's really interesting. Aside from that, I'm usually working on short scripts and story ideas.

If anybody's interested, my favorite books that I'm reading right now are:

MIND MGMT by Matt Kindt
Angel & Faith by Christos Gage & Rebecca Isaacs
Change by Ales Kot & Morgen Jeske (just finished but so awesome)
Star Wars by Brian Wood & Carlos D'Anda

I might post about some non-comic related stuff along the way as well, but we'll see.

If anybody's reading, I hope you enjoy and feel free to drop me a line or a comment. Cheers!