Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring time

This post is not even remotely related to writing or comics or TV shows or Neil Gaiman. I hope that's OK. I'm OK with it. You should be too. Anyway. This is a post about spring time.

Spring is my favorite time of year, for a variety of reasons. I live in Nebraska, which has fairly distinct seasons, especially compared to the good ol' Pacific Northwest where I grew up. The biggest, and quickest, changes always seems to be from winter to spring. There's a tree in our neighbor's yard that blooms earlier than most other trees, and it flowered over the weekend. We spent most of the weekend at home and it seemed like every time we looked out the window there were more and more blooms. And now it's pretty much in full bloom.

And when spring comes along, that means that there's yard work to be done. The mower started up on the second try after sleeping through the winter, so that was a more than pleasant surprise. Evened out the grass and all the usual stuff. I also began my annual battle with creeping Charlie. That stuff is all up in my yard, but I won't stand for it.

It's just a really nice time of year, and I always enjoy getting outside, going for walks and that sort of thing. Our house has a nice little porch so we're able to get out and enjoy the weather fairly easily. Much nicer than the third floor balcony of our last place.

Anyway. Not much else to say about it right now, just wanted to say a little something about how nice the weather is and how much I'm enjoying it.

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